2024-10-25 9:07pm - had to adjust a few things

2024-04-30 2:15am - ok everything in navigation should be working

2024-04-30 12:16am - new website layout n stuff :^) still working on the other pages tho

2023-11-09 2:21am - added another comic to the comics page, my shs thesis lol. changed the buttons too

2023-11-09 2:01am - fixed it lol

2023-11-08 11:46pm - a bunch of my images and links just stopped working i don't know what's going on

2023-11-08 - updated the website to v3! i need help centering something i have no idea what i'm doing

made a new not_found page, index, and links page (barely anything)

2023-09-05 - second year just started

2023-05-17 - added gifypet :^))))))))))))))

2023-05-17 - added FtmEssentials Affiliate Link + made a second nav row

2023-05-11 - added iframe to main page and changed placeholder to better wacko

2023-04-22 - changed entire website format